International Disease and Events Analysis logo

The International Disease and Events Analysis (IDEA) platform is a suite of integrated research tools, including global health security visualization dashboards, decision support tools, and data libraries developed by the Georgetown University Center for Global Health Science and Security.

See below for a description of each tool, links to the sites, and access to a quick download of the data from each.

Websites and tools

Analysis and Mapping of Policies for Emerging Infectious Diseases screenshot
AMP EID logo

Analysis and Mapping of Policies for Emerging Infectious Diseases (AMP EID) is a first of its kind tool to inform the future of pandemic preparedness policy and outbreak response. AMP EID enables rapid identification of the global policy environment to facilitate response efforts. This tool creates a single site to examine which countries are parties to international agreements relevant to pandemic preparedness and response, what laws and regulations are in place to govern EIDs, and other relevant factors that will impact a nation’s response to public health emergencies.

Data last updated in 2024, updates ongoing.

COVID Analysis and Mapping of Policies screenshot

The COVID Analysis and Mapping of Policies (AMP) visualization tool is a comprehensive database of policies and plans to address the COVID-19 pandemic. Decision-makers can use COVID AMP’s user-friendly interface to easily identify effective policies and plans to reduce the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Data last updated in 2022.

COVID AMP is part of the COVID-Local suite of free resources developed for local decision-makers who are working to keep their communities safe during the COVID-19 pandemic.

A research paper on this project is available here.

Key citation: Katz R., Graeden E. COVIDAMP.ORG: A Global Resource for Governance in the Time of COVID. Research Brief 2020-07. Washington: Georgetown University Center for Global Health Science & Security, 2020.

Biosecurity Central screenshot
Biosecurity Central logo

Biosecurity Central is a publicly available web-based library that aims to widely disseminate and share knowledge to help advance biosafety and biosecurity initiatives. The site directs users to relevant and reliable resources and tools from around the globe, published by governmental, international, and non-governmental organizations. The library is available without cost, online, and organized by topic and use case. It is designed to be easily searchable, includes a guided exploration workflow, and provides the key details of each resource with direct access to the resources and tools wherever possible.

Data last updated in 2024, updates ongoing.

Global Health Security Tracking screenshot
Global Health Security Tracking logo

The Global Health Security Tracking tool is an integrated mapping and data visualization platform showing the flow of international funding for global health security from funder to recipient globally. The tool tracks funding targeted to improve health security core capacities, funds for outbreak response, and health security metrics.

Data last updated in 2022.

A peer-reviewed paper on this project is available here.

Key project citation: Katz, R; Graeden, E; Kerr, J; Eaneff, S. “Tracking the Flow of Funds in Global Health Security.” EcoHealth (2019) 16:298-305.

Key data citation: Robertson, H., Graeden, E., Eaneff, S., John, C., Kerr, J., Lin, J., Omar, Y., Smith, K., Stevens, T., Tammareddy, H., van Maele, M., Zimmerman, R., & Katz, R. (2024). Global Health Security (GHS) Tracking dataset (1.0.0) [Data set]. Zenodo.

Health Security Net screenshot
Health Security Net logo

Health Security Net is a publicly accessible, centralized database of warnings, evaluations, oversight efforts, strategies, and other documents that relate to pandemics prior to 2020. It provides a readily available source of information for policymakers, researchers, journalists, the general public, and other interested parties to access documents written about pandemic risk in the past; unearth patterns that reveal why response may be insufficient to date; and develop improved policies for the future.

Data last updated in 2023.

A white paper on this project is available here.

A manuscript on the project published in Health Security can be found here.

Key citation: 25 Years of Pandemic Warnings: Health Security Net, A Global Health Security Library. (2021). Georgetown University.

Georgetown Outbreak Activity Library (GOAL) screenshot
Georgetown Outbreak Activity Library logo

The Georgetown Outbreak Activity Library (GOAL) provides rapid access and search for a comprehensive library of the activities required for response to disease outbreaks, including case studies, information about the stakeholders, and guidance mapped to each activity.

Data last updated in 2024.

A research paper on this project is available here.

Key project citation: Outbreak Activity Library: An online, user-friendly compilation of activities essential for effective outbreak response. (2020). Georgetown University.

Key data citation: Katz et al. (2024). Georgetown Outbreak Activity Library (GOAL) dataset (1.0.0) [Data set]. Zenodo.

Epidemic EM screenshot
Epidemic EM logo

Effectively responding to and managing the COVID-19 pandemic requires close operational coordination across sectors. These response efforts rely on the key principles of emergency management, including coordination of efforts as typically managed by Emergency Operations Centers (EOCs). This site, developed by Georgetown University and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, provides rapid access to training materials, checklists, and other resources for development and strengthening of public health emergency management capacities, with an emphasis on EOCs.

Data last updated in 2023.

Georgetown Bioscenarios screenshot
Georgetown Bioscenarios logo

Bioscenarios is a rapid visualization tool demonstrating the diversity in biological outbreak scenarios, each coded by 12 characteristics and ranked by relative likelihood to cause fatalities in humans and animals.

Data last updated in 2020.

A peer-reviewed paper on this project is available here.

Key citation: Katz R, Graeden E, Kerr J. (2018). The complexity of biological events. The Lancet Global Health. 6-2: 136-137. DOI: 10.1016/S2214-109X(17)30494-1.

Deliberate Biological Event (DBE) Tool screenshot
Deliberate Biological Event (DBE) Tool logo

Deliberate Biological Event (DBE) Tool is an interactive teaching tool that aligns policies with the stakeholders mandated or authorized to act in responding to a deliberate biological outbreak (e.g., bioterror or state-sponsored attack), including a static visualization of how nations can request assistance for such events. Each policy is associated with when during an outbreak it is triggered and the responsibilities associated with organizations from different sectors affected by the policy in response to a DBE.

Data last updated in 2020.

A peer-reviewed paper on this project is available here.

Key citation: Katz R, Graeden E, Abe K, Attal-Juncqua A, Boyce M, Eaneff S. (2018). Mapping stakeholder and policies in response to deliberate biological events. Heliyon. 4(12): e01091. DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2018.e01091.

IHR Costing Tool screenshot
IHR Costing logo

The IHR Costing Tool helps users generate and review cost estimates to support practical planning for sustainable capacity development to prevent, detect, and respond to public health threats, as defined by the International Health Regulations (IHR). This tool provides a framework to calculate costs for implementing and enhancing IHR core capacities. Costs are estimated by applying country-specific user input data to cost calculations developed using best practices for achieving the technical standards specified in the Joint External Evaluation Tool (JEE).

Data last updated in 2020.

A peer-reviewed paper on this project is available here.

Key citation: Katz R, Graeden E, Eaneff S, Kerr J. Strengthening health security- an intuitive and user friendly tool to estimate country level costs. BMJ Glob Health 2018;3:e000864. DOI: 10.1136/bmjgh-2018-000864.

Integrated Neglected Tropical Disease (NTD) Tool screenshot
Integrated NTD logo

The Integrated NTD (Neglected Tropical Diseases) Tool is a web-based decision support tool to aid policy makers in decisions regarding the benefits of integrating malaria and schistosomiasis control programs. The user interface translates epidemiological parameters into easily interpretable recommendations.

Data last updated in 2020.

A peer-reviewed paper on this project is available here.

Key citation: Standley CJ, Graeden E, Kerr J, Sorrell EM, Katz R. Decision support for evidence-based integration of disease control: A proof of concept for malaria and schistosomiasis. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 2018; 12 (4): e0006328. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0006328

Disease Outbreak News (DON) Data screenshot
Disease Outbreak News (DON) Data logo

We have migrated several decades of WHO’s prose reports of Disease Outbreak News (DON) into a searchable spreadsheet. The data are now organized by a comprehensive data structure for consistent naming conventions for countries, outbreaks, type of disease event, and standard outbreak measures.

The structured data are available for download at the GitHub repository linked below.

Data last updated in 2022.

Additional Global Health Security Datasets screenshot
Additional Global Health Security Datasets logo


We have collated all publicly available self-assessment measurements of International Health Regulations capacity implementation status from 2010 through 2017. These data are now organized by a comprehensive data structure with International Standard country codes and ready access to all longitudinal data in a single table.

Data last updated in 2020.


The World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) developed the Performance of Veterinary Services (PVS) Pathway as a capacity-building platform for the sustainable improvement of national Veterinary Services. This tool enables national veterinary authorities to understand their strengths and weaknesses using a globally consistent methodology based on international standards. We have translated the publicly available PVS levels of advancement (i.e., scores) into a searchable spreadsheet; scores range from 1 to 5, with 5 being the optimum designation. These data have also been incorporated into the Global Health Security Tracking tool.

Data last updated in 2021.

A list of PVS evaluation reports is available here.

Key citation: World Organisation for Animal Health website. OIE PVS Pathway: PVS Evaluation Reports.


The RUHSA Tool is intended to be a voluntary, collaborative, and multisectoral resource for mayors and municipal public health authorities to self-assess municipal capacities to prevent, detect and rapidly respond to public health events. The tool was developed by the Center by mapping numerous health security guidance documents and frameworks and provides a holistic perspective of the state of sub-national health security capacities.

Data last updated in 2020.

A peer-reviewed paper on this project is available here.

Key citation: Boyce MR, Katz R. Rapid urban health security assessment tool: a new resource for evaluating local-level public health preparedness. BMJ Global Health 2020;5:e002606.